We know how to make IT work

We are problem solvers who are not afraid of challenge. We provide tech solutions, simply.


Our pro­jects take advan­ta­ge of dif­fe­rent tech­no­lo­gies so bore­dom is not an option, and are always in line with best prac­ti­ce in softwa­re deve­lop­ment. The pro­ducts we pro­vi­de fall into four main industries:

Gaming and casinos

Our softwa­re han­dles gaming win­nings pay­outs in casi­nos all aro­und the US, in South Ame­ri­ca, Cana­da, Macau, Viet­nam, Phi­lip­pi­nes, Hong Kong, and South Korea. Our pro­jects in the area of self-servi­ce pay­ment kio­sks on casi­no flo­ors include:

  • Payment kiosks UIM/UXC

    Modu­lar softwa­re for unat­ten­ded funds mana­ge­ment for casi­no staff and patrons witho­ut the neces­si­ty to visit cage. It allows to bre­ak bills, cash checks, rede­em vouchers, pay out jack­pots, exchan­ge cur­ren­cies, depo­sit and with­draw money from elec­tro­nic wal­lets, as well to cash points and comps, and to dona­te part of casi­no win­nings to charity.

  • Everi Cares

    Softwa­re allo­wing to dona­te part of patro­n’s casi­no win­nings to cha­ri­ty. Comes along with mana­ge­ment sys­tem for assi­gning cha­ri­ties to cer­ta­in pro­per­ties and deta­iled dona­tion repor­ting system.

  • Xchange Explorer

    Web based sys­tem for moni­to­ring kio­sks on casi­no flo­ors: real time repor­ting of har­dwa­re errors, cash levels, per­for­med trans­ac­tions. Sends custom con­fi­gu­red alerts and has a repor­ting modu­le for audit purposes.

  • Table Games

    Com­pre­hen­si­ve sys­tem for Blac­kjack and Bac­ca­rat card games. The sys­tem is used when play­ing at the table, we have advan­ced devi­ces at our dispo­sal that will allow people to use tablets whi­le playing.

Payments and finance

Our pro­ducts sup­port ATM with­dra­wals, cash advan­ce trans­ac­tions, check cashing, bill pay­ments, pho­ne top-ups, pur­ha­sing and sel­ling gift cards. We also desi­gned renow­ned cre­dit rating sys­tem and SMART CARD solutions.

  • CentralCredit

    Cre­dit rating sys­tem used nation-wide in USA to check if a given patron can be offe­red a cre­dit line. Exten­si­ve know­led­ge base abo­ut casi­no play­ers all over Nothern America.

Health Care

Our solu­tions help pro­tect the health and safe­ty of people during a pandemic.

  • Health Shield

    A sys­tem desi­gned to ena­ble the reco­gni­tion of symp­toms of virus infec­tion in people. Allows you to measu­re the body tem­pe­ra­tu­re of sacred people, and uses tech­no­lo­gies based on the use of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gen­ce to dia­gno­se the face and veri­fy whe­ther a given per­son is wearing a pro­tec­ti­ve mask.

Sport Betting

Our softwa­re sup­ports self-servi­ce bet­ting terminals.

  • XDP

    Our solu­tion pro­vi­des a uni­ver­sal har­dwa­re plat­form that can be easy inte­gra­ted with any display­ed con­tent and can be used in any self-servi­ce bet­ting terminal.